Banned book

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Item Number: 921
Description ID: 8683135
(view in-game)

banned book
Plural: banned books
This singularly distasteful title, How to Scam Friends and Extort People, has been on the banned books list for decades. This copy is old and worn, and looks like it's been passed around quite a bit (or maybe just repeatedly stolen, with a title like that.)

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 20

Unknown Modifier

How Obtained

Battle of the Bands

  • All foes

When Used

First time:

Your understudy spends some time with the manual, learning all of the best arm-twisting, guilt-inducing, and intimidation techniques designed to get the most money from your target. Of course your understudy would never use this on anyone but criminals. Extorting regular citizens would be wrong, but extorting bad guys ... two wrongs totally make a right, right? (gives access to the Extortionist sidekick)

Subsequent times:

Your understudy already knows this skill. Even an expert extortionist can't squeeze more knowledge from a book they've already mastered.
