Talk:Don't Cry for Me, Zion-tina

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What about the adventure?

Dead Women Don't Wear Plaid You find yourself in the neighborhood where you first saw the jewel thief. On a whim you drift to the other side of the street and poke your head into the alley where you heard the shouting, and immediately you get a feeling that something isn't right. With a weighty sense of foreboding, you creep further down the alley. A horrific sight awaits you: the body of a young woman lies partially buried in a heap of trash bags. You grit your teeth and come close enough to verify that she's not still alive, and then go call the police.

The investigator assigned to the case, a woman named Christine Lind, takes your statement, and then, because she's friends with Rand and knows he trusts you, shares with you what she's been able to figure out. She says, "The cause of death was a blow to the head--the murder weapon was a rock or a brick or something like that. Blunt and heavy. The weird thing is the woman's clothes, or lack of them. She's only wearing a bra and underwear, with no sign of any other garments. But other than the blow to the head and a bruise on her wrist, she doesn't have any other injuries. She doesn't have any identification or a purse, but if it was a simple burglary it wouldn't make sense to take her clothes. Especially after the way she was killed, the shirt couldn't have been worth anything. That makes me think there must have been something incriminating about her outfit.

"Another possible clue is a tattoo on her hip. It's a teardrop, and looks a lot like the logo the Zion's Tears cultists use. I found some thread samples on her body, too. They're being sent to the lab for analysis, but they're coarse and brown, a lot like the normal Zion's Tears robes, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if that's a match."

You mull over those details for a minute. "So someone killed a Zion's Tears follower, and then wanted to cover up that she was part of the group? Why would someone do that?"

Lind shrugs. "I dunno. To avoid having attention drawn to the cult? But that would only make sense if someone connected to the cult killed her in the first place."

You nod. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Maybe I'd better learn a bit more about these people."

Patrol again at the streets of downtown Twilight

Or go back to downtown Twilight

Or go back to the main page.

Alternate path to Zion's Tears building

I had a different path to Zion's Tears building. I encountered Two Paths Diverged in a Darkened Street; before I encountered Dead Women Don't Wear Plaid, and instead of taking "Investigate the shouting in the alley" I took the other path. After I got onto the quest, I encountered the following quest, which set me back onto the walkthrough:

Almost Like You'd Planned It

You walk the streets until you find a man who looks like one of the Zion's Tears cult members. When he calls you an infidel and charges you, instead of engaging in combat you tackle the guy and try to get him to talk. The man turns out to be surprisingly reluctant to tell you anything, even under considerable persuasive pressure. At some point you realize you have to either escalate your persuasion until it's practically torture, or you need to let him go. And, as much as you'd like to rough the guy up more, the fight's gone out of him and it just wouldn't be heroic to torture a--possibly--innocent man.

Left with no choice, you let the man go. He gets up, dusts himself off, and gives you a hateful glare before stalking off.

You wait until he's a block away and then slip into the shadows and begin to tail him. His path takes a couple of twists and turns, but quickly leads him to a tall building paneled in dark glass. You press yourself into a nook between buildings to hide as he looks around furtively and then punches a code in a small side door and enters. Once he's gone, you pad over to the small door, but don't see anything interesting. So you check out the main entrance to the building half a block down. It's locked, of course, but there's a small logo with a tear-shaped outline that reads "Z.T. Enterprises." Zion's Tears? Bingo. This must be their headquarters. --RBK 13:00, 29 September 2008 (MST)

- - - - - - - - -
Looks like it's already in:
Just needs to be cleaned up and linked - Malk-a-mite

New Change

Anyone know what the strategy changes are, and are willing to put them in the wiki? --Lxndr 16:26, 6 February 2011 (PST)

  • Matarkhis can now drop a horn of Zion, which initiates combat with an archon. --Tasfal 16:34, 7 February 2011 (CET)