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The {{GainEffect}}, {{GetEffect}}, {{GetEffectC}} and {{AcquireEffect}} templates should be used whenever an effect is gained. Currently they just standardize the looks, although in the future they might do more than that.

{{GainEffect}} are {{GetEffect}} are used when an effect is gained from using an item. {{AcquireEffect}} is used when a detrimental effect is acquired from a foe. {{GetEffectC}} is used when an effect is gained through an encounter.


  • When an effect is gained from using an item:

{{GainEffect|Effect Name|time}}


{{GetEffect|Effect Name|time}}

  • For multiuse, where the time of the effect is dependent on the amount used:

{{GainEffect|Effect Name}}


{{GetEffect|Effect Name}}

  • When a detrimental effect is acquired from a foe:

{{AcquireEffect|Effect Name|time}}

  • When an effect is gained from an encounter:

{{GetEffectC|Effect Name|time}}

  • When the effect name is different than the page name, use a third parameter for the effect name:

{{{GainEffect|Alphabet Soup (effect)|60|Alphabet Soup}}


{{GainEffect|Synergy Energy|60}}: You gain an effect: Synergy Energy. (Added for 60 minutes.)

{{GetEffect|Feelin' Festive|30}}:You get an effect, Feelin' Festive. (Added for 30 minutes.)

{{GainEffect|Synergy Energy}}:You gain an effect: Synergy Energy. (Added for some minutes.)

{{GetEffect|Feelin' Festive}}:You get an effect, Feelin' Festive. (Added for some minutes.)

{{AcquireEffect|Weakened|30}}:You acquire an effect: Weakened. (Added for 30 minutes.)

{{GetEffectC|RoboTronic|35}}:You get an effect: RoboTronic. (Added for 35 minutes.)

{{GainEffect|Alphabet Soup (effect)|60|Alphabet Soup}}:You gain an effect: Alphabet Soup. (Added for 60 minutes.)