Fortune cookie

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Item Number: 1646
Description ID: 98007965
(view in-game)

fortune cookie
Plural: fortune cookies
The fortune cookie is almost, but not entirely, exactly unlike a real cookie. Frankly, they're more like cardboard than anything else. Anyway, this is a tasteless cookie with a paper fortune inside, which is all anyone cares about anyway.

Miscellaneous Item
Item cannot be auto-sold
Item is a free pull while in a retcon run

How Obtained

Summon Fortune Cookie

When Used

You crack open the cookie. The shell's not really that edible, so you throw it away and focus on the fortune, which says:


Using multiple:
You crack open the cookies. The shells aren't really that edible, so you throw them away and focus on the fortunes, which you read in succession:


When Returned through [send to player]


Trying to return the item to yourself:
You decide that you don't need to send this item to yourself. Why not save the postage fees?

Effect on Receiver: Unspecified


  • Possible fortunes:
  • What happened when the train full of brown paint collided with the train full of red paint?
Both engineers were marooned!
  • Why couldn't the skeleton go to the dance?
Because he had no body to go with.
  • Do you look in the mirror after you've washed your face?
No, I look in a towel!