Fortified sparkling water
fortified sparkling water
Plural: bottles of fortified sparkling water
If you're too hip to drink normal water (gag me with a spoon), why not try this fortified sparkling water with a French name? It's full of vitamins and minerals and stuff.
Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 10
How Obtained
Exchange at Subscriber's Exclusive Store for 1 subscription voucher
When Used
You sip the fortified mineral water. The weird taste is it being good for you. You gain ?-21-30-? HP and ?-21-30-? PP.
Using multiple:
You sip the bottles of fortified mineral water. The weird taste is it being good for you. You gain some HP and some PP.
- The item refers to Perrier mineral water, which gained great popularity in the 1980's.