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You are fighting a dimetradon.

This lizard was a mafia leader from the twin cities, before moving south to take advantage of the better climate and gain sustenance from the plentiful snow birds.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:

It hits you for X damage.

Critical hit message:

Your opponent has a critical hit! It hits you for X damage.

Miss messages:
and misses.

Fumble messages:

Your foe fumbles! It takes X damage.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

You gain 175 experience.

You got an item: trilobit (~16%)
You got an item: red tooth (20%)

Known resistances/weaknesses

50% resistant to fire damage.
50% resistant to acid damage.


This enemy is an animal.


  • Dimetrodon was a predatory synapsid ('mammal-like reptile') genus living between 280–265 million years ago. Note that it actually went extinct before the Triassic period.