
From Twilight Heroes Wiki
Revision as of 01:29, 3 October 2012 by Hoyifung04 (talk | contribs) (colour)
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You are fighting the Mouse.

This is a small mammal from the Rodentia order with a furry body and a long, hairless tail. She has a pointed snout and cute little ears. She does not have a hamster sidekick.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:

  • The Mouse advises you to stay frosty, then hoses you down with the contents of your computer's cooling system. Cold... very cold. (ice) damage
  • The Mouse whips out a katana and slashes you. Wait, katana?
  • The Mouse focuses a laser on you. Gah! (fire) damage

She hits you for X damage.

Critical hit message:

Your opponent has a critical hit! She hits you for X damage.

Miss messages:

  • The Mouse advises you to stay frosty. That's pretty good advice, temperatures can get pretty high in here.
  • The Mouse tells you that "nobody double-crosses the Mouse!" You stop for a moment and explain that attacking from the front is, at most, single-crossing. She seems satisfied with your answer.
  • The Mouse pulls out a laser and, missing you, cuts a little symbol in the nearest circuit board instead.

Fumble messages:

Your foe fumbles! She takes X damage.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

Unspecified XP

You got an item: mouse's fang (Guaranteed Drop)

Known resistances/weaknesses

