Eskrima master

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Eskrima master

Your sidekick has mastered the art of Eskrima. It's handy in a fight but, more importantly, looks totally sweet.

Level cap: 30

How Obtained

Full-time sidekick.
Obtained from: Eskrima book


Ability: Attacks


  • <name> twirls a rattan stick around impressively and hits your opponent several times for 9-11 damage.
  • <name> demonstrates how two rattan sticks are better than one for 18-22 damage.
  • Your sidekick flips through a endless array of belts and hiding places, searching for the perfect knife to use in this situation. <name> never does find it, but the rain of discarded blades deals your opponent 45-55 damage.
  • (Against robots) <name> flips through a endless array of belts and hiding places, searching for the perfect knife to use in this situation. Evidently that perfect knife is a bent old blade that gets lodged in your enemy's mechanical junctures for 45-55 damage.
  • <name> pulls out a pair of butterfly knives and performs a set of moves so unbelievably sweet that it blows X (psychic) damage of your opponent's mind.
  • <name> tries to grab your opponent, but gets completely distracted by insane camera angles.
  • <name> tries to do that awesome flipping thing with a butterfly knife, but just ends up dropping it.