Last Nostronomian

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Last Nostronomian

How Obtained

Obtained from: Trapped!

Sidekick/companion obtained from item.
Item: Nostronomian signal whistle
Duration: 120 min


Ability: Attacks,+XP per turn


During combat:

  • The Last Nostronomian goes looking around for more nostronomians. It's... kind of depressing.
  • The Last Nostronomian makes a sweeping gesture, magnetizing a pile of metal debris and sending it crashing into your opponent for X damage.
  • The Last Nostronomian makes a sweeping gesture, magnetizing your opponent for 2X damage. (robots only)
  • The Last Nostronomian goes looking around for ions to recharge.

At the end of combat:

  • The Last Nostronomian makes an observation that's... really obvious in retrospect. The benefit of having an alien point of view, you suppose. You gain Y XP.
  • The Last Nostronomian tries to point something out about the fight, but it doesn't translate very well. You gain Y XP trying to puzzle it out.

Dismissal Message: You decide you're better off without a sidekick and shoo yours away.


  • X seems to be 22-32 at the highest level.
  • Y is 20 at the highest level.