Festive coffee bonsai

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Item Number: 2339
Description ID: 36754740
(view in-game)

festive coffee bonsai
Plural: Unknown
Most bonsai trees are intended to help calm your mind as you care for it. This has a bit of the opposite effect, as it's actually a miniature coffee bush.

Yup, whenever you do your daily bonsai maintenance, you'll get a few coffee berries with it. Normally that wouldn't be enough to do anything, but hopefully they'll be supercharged with holiday cheer or "cone power" or something.

Anyway, as long as you don't overharvest, you'll have coffee all year round.

Miscellaneous Item
Item cannot be auto-sold
Contains caffeine (1)

How Obtained

Was given to each player by Kinak as a gift for Christmas 2014. The message said:

Ho ho ho! If there's one thing that the world needs now it's love, sweet love.

But just below that is more coffee. Seriously, you can never have enough coffee.

Merry Christmas!

Included item: festive coffee bonsai (quantity 1)