Vibration spider

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vibration spider

You are fighting a vibration spider.

You know how sometimes the more new agey folks will talk about energy and vibrations and higher levels and stuff? Normally it's either metaphor or very misunderstood physics. Well this spider is quite literally doing that sort of thing.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:

  • You know the story about that old lady who had a spider inside 'er? If it felt like this, you don't want to know what swallowing the horse was like.
  • The spider vibrates at you. Whatever those vibrations are, I wouldn't call them "good."
  • Dodging the spider, you run right through its frusion web, which also draws the power points right out of you.

It drains some of your energy, stealing X PP.

Miss messages:

  • Before the spider can attack, an old lady comes by and swallows it. You don't know why.
  • The spider spins a frusion web to catch you, but its own vibrations keep confusing it.
  • You're attacked by the spider, but you spied 'er coming and can dodge easily.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

You gain 24 experience.

You got an item: frusion speck Frusion-speck.gif (Unspecified Drop rate)
You got an item: frusion speck Frusion-speck.gif (Unspecified Drop rate)
You got an item: frusion filament Frusion-filament.gif (Unspecified Drop rate)
You got an item: frusion tendril Frusion-tendril.gif (Unspecified Drop rate)

Known resistances/weaknesses

Immune to all damage types.

