Frusion Daylight Saver

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Frusion Daylight Saver

You are fighting Frusion Daylight Saver.

Empty Description
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:

  • He fruses the hands of your watch together. As you try to unfruse them, you get a jolt.
  • He hands you a frusion string... attached to a frusion kite... being struck by frusion lightning.
  • He gives himself an extra hour to fruse you. It's a lengthly and unpleasant experience.

He drains some of your energy, stealing X PP.

Miss messages:

  • He tries to fruse the hands of your clock together, but it's actually digital.
  • He hands you a pair of frused together glasses. Or, as we call them, bifocals.
  • He tries to give himself an extra hour to fruse you, but you run on UTC.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

You gain 1 experience.

The Daylight Saver vanishes into a mass of data and stuffing, arcs of frusion energy leaping from one bit to the next. His threat should pass soon, but that doesn't mean you can't whip up a few paradoxes by beating him a couple more times.

And, hey, maybe that nice guy with the glasses will be able to build his auction house.

You got an item: ancient quarter chip Ancientquarterchip.gif

Your singularity captures some of his stored time, stabilizing enough that you might be able to use it.

You got an item: daylight singularity Temporalsingularity.gif

Known resistances/weaknesses

