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How Obtained

Companion obtained from item.
Item: summoning cone
Duration: 240 minutes


Ability: Attacks foes with physical + electric, +XP per turn


During Combat:

  • Your Yithian cranks a dial on the side of its weapon and sends out a huge blast of lightning. It does 13-20 + 13-20 damage.
  • Your Yithian points the strange weapon at your opponent and gives it a powerful blast. It does 9-14 + 9-14 damage.
  • Your Yithian seems momentarily confused, asking if you're "Somber" and not seeming to know how to work its limbs.

After Defeating an opponent:

  • Your Yithian hands you a piece of metallic paper detailing your fight. It points out a couple things you hadn't thought of, and you find yourself thinking more about this combat. You gain X XP.


  • All outcomes have equal chances.
  • X is calculated by randomly picking a number from 50 to 100, this value then capped at 3*Level if higher than that.
