Heirloom spork

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Item Number: 2278
Description ID: 66759284
(view in-game)

heirloom spork
Plural: heirloom sporks
Of course, nobody passes down a piece of plastic; this particular spork is made of titanium. It comes from a long line of geeks.

Heirloom Derby Speed Runner-Up

Item cannot be traded or sold
Item cannot be auto-sold
+5% spell damage
Better the longer it's been in the family

How Obtained

Heirloom Derby


  • Item comes in the following message:

Hello future self! We didn't quite get the speediest <item> run, but I got you this spoony fork.

Included item: heirloom spork (quantity 1) heirloom spork

  • Each successive heirloom run where the spork is pulled gives an additional +5% spell damage, with a cap of +25%. No other attributes change.