Authorized flare gun

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Item Number: 2418
Description ID: 73815967
(view in-game)

authorized flare gun
Plural: authorized flare guns
Although Twilight County doesn't technically allow flare guns, probably due to the fire risk, they also really like you. Just make sure you point it at the sky and not, like, a pile of dry tinder or old dynamite.

If anyone from your league is out there to see the flare, it should summon them to help. It's pretty high tech.

Miscellaneous Item

Gets you a temporary companion.

How Obtained

league vault, for 1 prestige

When Used

This information may no longer be accurate; please move this information to the Notes section using {{Oldsummon}} and use {{Summoncompanion}} instead.

  • Without a current companion:
You fire a flare into the sky, where it bursts into the $leaguematename sign. Your leaguemate comes running to help you out.
  • When you have a different companion:

Sidekick/companion: Leaguemate

Using multiple:
This information may no longer be accurate; please move this information to the Notes section using {{Oldsummon}} and use {{Summoncompanion}} instead.

  • Without a current companion:


  • When your league does not have any other applicable members, fails (doesn't use up the item): You don't think anyone is around to respond to your flare's signal.
  • In a league with other members, opens a page where you can choose one (leads with "Which sign should you send up?"), which lists some (but not all) league members, with their class and level. Perhaps only recently active members are listed? They do not have to be online.