Night owl
Night owl
Your understudy has always been okay going out at night, but there's a point when your sleep cycles get totally out of whack. You'd probably be there too if it wasn't for your stupid day job.
Level cap: 10
How Obtained
Full-time sidekick.
Obtained from: Unknown
Ability: Attacks. Also searches when it's late enough.
- <name> slams a thermos of coffee, then cracks your opponent with the empty vessel for X damage.
- <name> hoots ominously instead of attacking your foe.
- <name> yawns loudly and promises to jump into the fight soon.
- <name> sneaks up behind your opponent in the darkness and surprises them for X damage.
- <name> yawns and stumbles off to find some coffee.
- <name> doesn't need a light to find anything valuable in the fight's aftermath.