Clockwork ant

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Item Number: 592
Description ID: 5231999
(view in-game)

clockwork ant
Plural: clockwork ants
Compared to the worthless clockwork grasshopper you tried out last week, you're 100% confident that this ant is going to be more useful and productive.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 350

Gets you a temporary companion.

How Obtained

clockwork core irrhodium socket set
clockwork ant

When Used

You activate the clockwork ant. It scuttles around looking for valuables on the ground.

You gained a companion: Clockwork ant for 180 minutes

Using multiple:
You activate the clockwork ants. All but one sit idle, encouraging that lone ant to untold heights of scavenging fervor.

You gained a companion: Clockwork ant for some minutes


  • Prior to the sidekick/companion split on 27 November 2014, messages when summoning were:
    • Without a companion:
      You activate the clockwork ant. It scuttles around looking for valuables on the ground. (Duration: 180 minutes.)
    • With Clockwork ant as the current companion:
      You activate a second ant and tell it to support the first ant.
    • With another companion active:
      You already have a sidekick and don't need another one.
