Talk:Anonymity: Blessing or A Curse? (disabled)

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I'm not 100% certain how I'm going to document this, but if you encounter her again after saying yes the first time:

Ivanna Gnøe, the beat reporter, hails you from down the block. She says the articles are going well, and wonders if you'll answer a few more questions for future pieces.

Give a couple of quick quotes for the articles

Say you're tired of the limelight

Remember My Name - Fame!

You rattle off a couple of quick sound bytes for the future articles, and go on your way. The feeling of recognition for your hard work is nice, and lightens your step.


I Must Remain in the Shadows

You say that as much as you appreciate Ivanna's past articles, you're actually finding it a little inconvenient to have random supervillains trying to jump you every night. You'd rather slip back into obscurity for a while and pick your own fights. Ivanna seems disappointed, but she says she understands and promises to cover some other heroes for a while.

--Muhandes 09:40, 11 November 2009

After three dawn to dusk grinds wearing non-combat gear, the adventure is not occuring for me. Can we confirm that it still works, and what the requirements are?--EnchainRain (talk) 17:20, 4 November 2017 (PDT)

  • What's your level? Do you have any uncompleted main quests? What's your reputation? Sidekick? In-game name? --XKiv (talk) 10:35, 5 November 2017 (PST)
  • For what it's worth, it shouldn't show up if you're using one of the current yearly talismans. --Kinak (talk) 12:59, 5 November 2017 (PST)