Plastic grass

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Item Number: 2672
Description ID: 88343837
(view in-game)

plastic grass
Plural: bundles of plastic grass
Wherever chocolate bunnies spend their winters must have the weirdest grass.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 20
Combat Usable

How Obtained


When Used

You put your survival skills to use and assemble a plastic grass poultices, applying it to your wounds. You feel X HP better and find an egg in the grass!

You got an item: decorated egg


You got an item: jagged egg


You got an item: swirled egg

Using multiple:
You put your survival skills to use and assemble some plastic grass poultices, applying them to your wounds. You feel some HP better and find some eggs in the grass!

When Used in Combat

You toss the plastic grass at your opponent, leaving them horribly tangled. As they start to sort themselves out, they toss loose an egg that was apparently stuck in the grass.

You got an item: decorated egg


You got an item: jagged egg


You got an item: swirled egg


  • X ranges from ceiling(1/5 * MaxHP) to ceiling(1/4 * MaxHP).
  • Combat use delevels foe by ?-30-35-? FT