Red cryptonase

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Item Number: 2231
Description ID: 46127003
(view in-game)

red cryptonase
Plural: lumps of red cryptonase
Harvested from the deepest reaches of sewers and subjected to unspeakable, or at least unpronounceable, chemical processes, this cryptonase is liable to do just about anything to the right kind of person. For once, you're thankful not to be the "right kind of person."

Miscellaneous Item
Level Required: 12
Autosell value: 250

Gets you a temporary companion.

How Obtained

Hidden Factory

When Used

You play with the cryptonase a bit, but a passerby temporarily gains power over elemental ants. It's... a little weird, but they offer to help out.

You gained a companion: Ant elemental for 60 minutes

Using multiple: Unspecified


  • Like cryptonase refers to kryptonite, this refers to red kryptonite, which removes Superman's powers and physically alters him in unpredictable ways.