Nunya business suit

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Revision as of 22:02, 9 May 2020 by Hoyifung04 (talk | contribs) (May 2020 IotM)

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Item Number: 2940
Description ID: 62504199
(view in-game)


Nunya business suit
Plural: Unknown
The Nunya corporation is known for their expensive, high quality, bespoke suits. They're the kind of suits that easily cost as much as a sweet sports car.

They're not just expensive because of the brand name, but because their proprietary technology allows them to shift and change to always be perfect for whatever business situation you find yourself in. This one is a "factory second" because it changes randomly. It's still ridiculously expensive. I mean, those stars are gold, after all...

April 2020 Item of the Month

Full-body suit
Power: 120
Item cannot be auto-sold
Item cannot be worn in runs with a 'no pulls' restriction

Always matches your business

How Obtained

The Wok of Stars


  • When bought: ?

Item of the Month
Preceded by
marching baton
March 2020
Nunya business suit
Succeeded by
mayday bell