Smuggler's box
smuggler's box
Plural: Unknown
This small, ornate wood box feels heavy, and you can hear something rattling around inside. Unfortunately it appears to be locked, and you don't seem to have the key. The top of the box is engraved with a picture of what appears to be a man standing atop two sea turtles.
Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 60
How Obtained
Using multiple: Unspecified
Drop Location
When Used
You can't figure out how to unlock it, so you break open the box to see what's inside, destroying the box in the process.
You get 3-6 items in any combination of:
Gold Coast ivory
Ivory Coast spices
Spice Coast gold
Refers to how Jack Sparrow allegedly escaped from a deserted island after being marooned by lashing two sea turtles together in the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie.