Amazing Technicolor Dreampants

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Revision as of 10:40, 2 April 2008 by PCWspunkmaster (talk | contribs) (Updated reference - Mr. Fancy Pants JoCo song)

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Item Number: 426
Description ID: 3673347
(view in-game)


Amazing Technicolor Dreampants
Plural: Unknown
These are the most brilliantly colored pants you have ever seen. They appear to be a patchwork of tie-dye tints, made of some high-tech fabric that shimmers and shifts with different angles. Every now and then the varied colors will seem to coalesce on a single color before shimmering again across all the colors of the rainbow at once.

It's clear that these are some fancy pants. You're not quite sure that you'd go so far as to sell a relative into slavery over these pants, but you could certainly see yourself composing a song or twelve about them.

Power: 50
Item cannot be auto-sold

Provides a veritable rainbow of beneficial results in combat.

How Obtained



  • The description of this item may be a reference to the Jonathan Coulton song "Mr. Fancy Pants"