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This is the user page for Chatbot. Chatbot is in an in chat bot residing in channel 2 that responds to many commands and requests. Chatbot leaves directly before rollover and comes back on around 11:45.

Some of Chatbot's features include:

Greetings! (Hi Chatbot, etc)
Taking items given to chatbot. (/em hands chatbot a donut)
Rolling dice. (roll 3d6)
Responding to actions. (/em kicks chatbot)
Equipping items upon command. (chatbot equip black hood)

Chatbot is in need of equipment!

List of missing equipment:

Night cap
Reinforced helmet
Stovepipe hat
Zion's helm

Smart shirt
Sturdy harness
Reinforced Harness

Infernium gloves
Work gloves

Melee Weapons:
Morning star
Mourning star
Paper machete
Smart axe
Steel knuckles
The whole nine yards
Titanium mace

Hot potato
Plasteel shield

Hot pants

Ranged weapons:
Longbow of the law