Blockee box

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Item Number: 2252
Description ID: 46188532
(view in-game)

Blockee box
Plural: Blocken boxen
A box of blocks. Blockee blocks. Blockee blocks made into a box to store Blockee blocks. Box blocks; Blockee box! And when the tweedle beetles battle with their paddles in a puddle... oh, sorry. I got carried away there.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 0

How Obtained

Using Blockee blocks

When Used

You open the box, carefully going through its contents, then giving the box to a neighborhood child so he can work on his time machine.

You got an item: Blockee orb (14%)


You got an item: Blockee sling (12%)


You got an item: Blockee sword (12%)


You got an item: Blockee wand (12%)


You got an item: Blockee potion (25%)


You got an item: gold Blockee blocks (25%)

Using multiple:
You open the boxes, spilling their contents on the ground like a greedy conqueror.


  • Each use gives 1 weapon and 1 miscellaneous item.


  • The "tweedle beetles" (etc.) mentioned in the description refer to some of the tongue twisters in the children's book Fox in Socks.