Dusty contract

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Item Number: 2821
Description ID: 86988429
(view in-game)

dusty contract
Plural: dusty contracts
An old, old contract covered in a thick layer of dust. Be careful blowing it off.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 166

How Obtained

Ghost Town

When Used

You sign the contract with a flourish. At first, nothing seems to happen but what's that?

If Reputation is Honorable, Balanced, or Pragmatic:

You got an item: dusty fiddle

If Reputation is Just, Judicious, or Vigilante:

You got an item: burning motorcycle

If Reputation is Virtuous, Altruist, or Watchdog:

You got an item: blank paperwork

Okay, that's a little weird.

Using multiple:
you sign the record like it's a multi-record deal and you've got some hot new albums burning a hole in your pocket.