Gila monstrosity

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Gila monstrosity

You are fighting a Gila monstrosity.

The normal Gila creature is already called a monster, so an even bigger, meaner, mutated version has got to be even more monstrous, right? Right.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:

  • The monstrosity licks you. Turns out them calling the its tongue "electric blue" wasn't just a turn of phrase. damage + (electric) damage
  • In addition to the monstrosity's mouth being far larger, it's also more venomous. You may want to seek medical attention. damage + (acid) damage
  • The Gila monstrosity demonstrates the proportionate strength of a Gila monster. Which is cool, except when it demonstrates by thrashing you with its tail.

It hits you for X damage.

Critical hit message:

Your opponent has a critical hit! It hits you for X damage.

Miss messages:

  • It turns out them calling the monstrosity's tongue "electric blue" wasn't just a turn of phrase. But it's also the monstrosity's only physical attribute that can be compared to lightning, so you dodge easily.
  • In addition to the monstrosity's mouth being far larger, its breath is also worse. Seriously, it's like they crossed a Gila monster with a Komodo dragon and then fed that to the Gila monstrosity.
  • The Gila monstrosity demonstrates the proportionate speed of a Gila monster. Which is good, because otherwise it might have hit you with that massive tail.

Fumble messages:

Your foe fumbles! It takes X damage.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

You gain 62 experience.

You got an item: taut sinew (10%)
You got an item: taut sinew (10%)

Known resistances/weaknesses

100% weak to sonic damage.
50% resistant to psychic damage.



This enemy is an animal.
  • Ryme said the only reason why this foe has color is that "It wasn't coming through properly in grayscale. Plus the tongue was a cool color."


  • This creature is a reference to the real-life gila monster. Obviously, this creature is far bigger than a normal Gila monster.