Life On The Big Rig

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As you approach the oil rig, you come face to face with one of the largest structures you've ever seen. Part of you always figured these things would be big, but seeing it up close makes you want to redefine the word "large."

The concept of such a titanic thing just floating peacefully in the water almost defies reason. It floats on a massive base and has towers soaring up into the air. Catwalks and scaffolds are everywhere, and it positively bristles with powerful lights, making the whole thing seem bright as day. You can't see them, but you can only imagine the size of the drills. Susan's briefing mentioned that they could bore thousands of feet down, and you believe it.

Your awe-filled reverie is broken when you notice an explosion.

That doesn't seem right.

It's about that time that you realize that the reason there are people running all over the place is because the rig is under attack! This must be the trouble Susan was talking about. Without a moment's hesitation, you charge into the fray!

