Luxury ZOM-V

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Item Number: 2241
Description ID: 39034452
(view in-game)

luxury ZOM-V
Plural: luxury ZOM-Vs
Top of the line luxury from those lunatics at ZOM Motors, this puts the vaunted 1970 Dodge Challenger 440 "6 Pack" to shame. This doesn't just have a minibar in the glove box, but an entire mini-fridge in the back seat. Classy, my friend. Classy.

Range: 4
Level Required: 15
Autosell value: 400
+5 PP per turn

How Obtained

unbranded jalopy ZOM Motors logo
luxury ZOM-V


  • One of the worst ideas in automotive history was the glovebox minibar in the 1957 Cadillac Eldorado.