Mirror of Nitocris

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Item Number: 739
Description ID: 9293864
(view in-game)

Mirror of Nitocris
Plural: Mirrors of Nitocris
Nitocris, the evil queen of ancient Egypt. Her name was struck from all records, and you won't find any mention of her in a history book. She was said to be the embodiment of evil and that she ushered in an age of the most unspeakable acts known to mankind. Her mirror was once a massive, impossibly heavy affair. This is but a shard of that dark artifact, but it still retains much of the original's awesome powers.

Offhand Item
Power: 100
Level Required: 70
Item cannot be traded or sold
Item cannot be auto-sold
+50% spell damage
-5 to the cost of combat skills

How Obtained

Creepy Old House


  • Nitocris has been claimed to have been the last pharaoh of the Sixth Dynasty. She is mentioned in stories by H. P. Lovecraft.