Ornamental candles

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Item Number: 2459
Description ID: 29842376
(view in-game)

ornamental candles
Plural: sets of ornamental candles
Sadly, these aren't from some fancy candle shop, so they just smell like wax and burning linen. Still, they're quite pretty, and give you a chance to ponder if using one is preferable to cursing the darkness.

Or if it just makes you an easy target.

Comes from December 2015 Item of the Month

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 60

How Obtained

Using ornamentapult

When Used

You precariously balance the candles on yourself. Because it worked so well for Christmases long, long ago.

You gain an effect: Carrying a Flame. (Added for 60 minutes.)

Using multiple: Same as single use


  • The description contains a reference to a quote by Adlai Stevenson II at the funeral of Eleanor Roosevelt: "She would rather light a candle than curse the darkness, and her glow has warmed the world."