Ornamental sleigh bells

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Item Number: 2452
Description ID: 45410574
(view in-game)

ornamental sleigh bells
Plural: sets of ornamental sleigh bells
Not exactly the best thing to hang from your belt when you're trying to sneak around, what with all the ring-ting-tingling and suchwise.

Comes from December 2015 Item of the Month

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 15

How Obtained

Using ornamentapult

When Used

You give the sleigh bells an experimental shake and decide, if they're festive enough to annoy you, villains are bound to hate them.

You gain an effect: Sleighing Bells. (Added for 60 minutes.)

Using multiple:
You festoon yourself with sleigh bells, like a suit of ring-ting-tingling armor.

You gain an effect: Sleighing Bells. (Added for some minutes.)


  • The description and multi-use contain a reference to the song "Sleigh Ride".