Orwhal onesie

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Item Number: 1950
Description ID: 43150699
(view in-game)

orwhal onesie
Plural: orwhal multiplies
This isn't a onesie made out of an orwhal. That would get you in trouble with the TSPCA.

Nope, instead it's a onesie that looks like a baby orwhal. Just like a real orwhal, the onesie is inexplicably both scaly and fuzzy. Confusion aside, it's very warm (by virtue of constantly being on fire) and puts a whole lot of pep in your step (also by virtue of constantly being on fire).

Full-body suit
Power: 190
Level Required: 15
Autosell value: 1000
+20 fire damage
+20% to initiative
+20% ice resistance

How Obtained

League Battlefield


  • "TSPCA" by analogy with the ASPCA, most likely stands for "Twilight Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals".