Play Rock Paper Scissors

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This game can be played at the Seedy Casinos.

Just like the playground, each player chooses rock, paper, or scissors. Unlike a true casino, this is a "fair game" in that odds are not weighted in favor of the house. There are only a few possible winning outcomes, each with a 2:1 payoff, meaning that over time you will come out even.

Bet Bet Result Outcome
Rock Paper Paper covers rock Paper wins
Scissors Rock Rock breaks scissors Rock wins
Paper Scissors Scissors cuts paper Scissors wins
Rock Rock Tie No winner
Paper Paper Tie No winner
Scissors Scissors Tie No winner

Occasionally the program will randomly give you a random message hinting at an opponents throw but, running it based on these hints showed no change in results. It is most likely a random occurrence that produces one of three phrases randomly. The opponent's throw most likely is completely separate code that isn't affected by these phrases.