Rental ninja

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Rental ninja

How Obtained

Companion obtained from item.
Item: ninja coupon
Duration: 60 minutes


Ability: Stops opponent attacks


When blocking:

  • The ninja sneaks up behind your opponent to deliver them a hamburger. Your opponent is baffled, but you've seen weirder.
  • The ninja sets off a smoke bomb, momentarily blinding your opponent.


  • The ninja sets off a smoke bomb, covering his escape while he runs off to deliver a hamburger. Never trust a ninja.
  • Your rental ninja spends the round explaining his history. Apparently an elaborate back story comes as part of the service package.

If you have a sidekick that already blocks attacks then:

  • The ninja waits for your sidekick to get done. Apparently approaching enemies one at a time is standard ninja procedure.


  • Block rate is about (29% ± 2%).


  • The first block and failed block messages refer to Ninja Burger.