Rocket boots

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Item Number: 1185
Description ID: 7560364
(view in-game)

rocket boots
Plural: Syndromes of rocket boots
Now these are sweet. I mean, who doesn't want rocket boots? They may not be the most practical of footwear, but the Rule of Cool really doesn't care about such things. Fly, you crazy hero; fly!

Power: 5
Level Required: 5
Item cannot be auto-sold
Grants the ability to fly - for Gadgeteers only
+10 initiative - for Gadgeteers only

How Obtained

Using reinforced boots with ultra-condensed fuel, micronized guidance system, insulation, and box of mini rockets in your inventory


  • The plural refers to Syndrome, the main antagonist in the movie The Incredibles, who invented a pair of rocket boots as a youth.
  • The Rule Of Cool is a trope in fiction that states: The limit of the willing suspension of disbelief for a given element is directly proportional to its degree of coolness.
    • Hence the Rule not really caring about the practicality of things like rocket boots. Because rocket boots are awesome.