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Item Number: 614
Description ID: 2907922
(view in-game)

Plural: snowballs
This is a hunk of snow, packed into a ball. It's not nearly as tasty as a hunk of snow, shaped into a cone. Sigh.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 5
Combat Usable

How Obtained

Snow day

  • Any foe

Someone throwing a snowball at you (10% chance)

When Returned through [throw]

You throw the snowball at <player>. It hits dead center. Ha!

Trying to return the item to yourself:
You decide that you don't need to send this item to yourself. Why not save the postage fees?

Effect on Receiver:
<player> just hit you with a snowball. Paff!


<player> just hit you with a snowball. Paff! You managed to get your hand up and partially catch the snowball.

You got an item: snowball

When Used in Combat

You throw the snowball at your enemy, smacking them in the face. Fap! Paff! You dealing 9-18 damage.
