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How Obtained

Companion obtained from item.
Item: syrup pump
Duration: 30 minutes


Ability: Attacks foes with ice or acid, makes snowcones


During combat:

  • The snowentrepeneur sprays a pump of ultra-concentrated syrup on your opponent for 10-23 damage. Maybe... you should reconsider those snowcones.
  • The snowentrepeneur shakes some snow loose on your opponent for 8-13 damage.
  • The snowentrepeneur is too busy making snowcones and checking weather reports to attack your opponent.
After combat, 33.5 ± 2.7% of the time:
The snowentrepeneur hands you a sample snowcone.
You got an item: artisan snowcone


  • All outcomes have equal chances.
  • You need to have some packing snow in your inventory to create, time being 30 minutes per unit of snow.


  • An entrepreneur checking weather reports possibly refers to the game Lemonade Tycoon.