Spinning chip

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Item Number: 2331
Description ID: 59190940
(view in-game)

spinning chip
Plural: spinning chips
Whether your let it hang in midair or keep it in your pocket, this chip slowly rotates. You don't think any store owner would accept it as legal tender, but it has to be good for something, right?

Anyway, you should probably figure out what it's good for before you start a new game. These things always seem to disappear when you restart.

Miscellaneous Item
Autosell value: 25

How Obtained

Can drop when a challenge talisman is equipped. See notes for criteria

When Used

Well, You let go of the chip and catch it again, just to hear that little chime noise when you pick it up.

Using multiple:
Using 2-15:

You let go of the chips like a flock of sparrows, but they all come back, because it was meant to be. Or because you tracked them all down and put them back.

Using 16:

You stack the chips up and squeeze them until they become an ingot of solid... spinning.

You got an item: spinning ingot

Using a multiple of 16:

You stack the chips up and squeeze them until they become ingots of solid... spinning.

You got an item: X spinning ingots

Using 100:

When you try to mash together the coins, a giant red zero blinks in the sky. It's kind of cool in a baleful-eye-looking-for-its-lost-jewelry sort of way.

Using more than 100, but not multiple of 16:

I don't know about your new-fangled chips, but back in my day, we were happy with ninety-nine chips. Yup, you picked up one more and the whole stack vanished!

Not like you kids with your plots and quests and games that care about making sense.


Can be obtained from the following:

  • 1-3 can be dropped by enemies marked as a miniboss. Looks to depend on the number of other modifiers present.
  • 1-3 can be dropped by Villains. Based on the strength of the opponent.
  • 1-2 can be dropped by various bosses big and small.