Talk:CTHULHU disc: The Noctuary of Time

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CTHULHU disc: The Noctuary of Time

This disc was made by SQUID's corporate rival, CTHULHU. Which means this disc is Cyclopean Technology for HUman Learning and Heuristic Uplinks. It sounds like a bunch of corporate jibber-jabber, and it probably is.

You're not entirely sure what this disc is all about, but it seems to deal with time travel and the paradoxes it can cause. You don't know why a tiny caveman was carrying it, but you're more worried about the tattered label that says "use at own risk."

Miscellaneous Item Level Required: 15 Autosell value: 200 Usable

You load the disc into your SQUID player, pausing to enjoy the irony. It's more about the paradoxes than the actual mechanics of time travel, and you have a terrible time twisting your brain around the implications. You gain 989 XP. You gain an effect: Uneasy. (Added for 45 minutes.)

XP vs. level repository

988 @ level 80 --Muhandes 18:39, 26 September 2009 (UTC)