Talk:Shining Trapezohedron

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Without really understanding how it works, you somehow use the trapezohedron to summon up some items. You got an item: bone flute

You got an item: spiral horn

You got an item: spiral horn

One use per day, got these 3 drops - all summon-able sidekicks. -StrLikeCrazy 16:24 17.6.09

Used today, recieved: You got an item: summoning cone

You got an item: bone flute

You got an item: summoning cone - StrLikeCrazy 18.6.09

summoning cone, bone flute, spiral horn

Report if you see three of the same kind. I'll put it as 0-2 of each, total of 3--Muhandes 07:58, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

bone flute, summoning cone, summoning cone--Muhandes 11:08, 19 June 2009 (UTC)

Without really understanding how it works, you somehow use the trapezohedron to summon up some items. You got an item: summoning cone w

You got an item: summoning cone w

You got an item: summoning cone w

So you _can_ get 0-3 of the items. --Alarion 10:55, 20 June 2009 (UTC)