Talk:Windfall branch

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Sometimes drops leaves at the end of combat. I have seen (with only one sample point per item):

windfall chlorophyll heals to 100% hp?
windfall maple leaf 1 sugar, 27 xp and 17 minutes with full purifier (10-12 without?)
windfall tea leaf 1 caffeine, 29 xp and 14 minutes
windfall oak leaf 60m of +2da, +10% all resistances effect
windfall poison ivy 60m of +2 xp/turn, +2 damage to attackers
windfall willow leaves 60m of +2 pp/turn, and +noncombats
windfall leaf skeleton combat item, 22 psychic damage

--XKiv (talk) 15:32, 3 September 2017 (PDT)