The Dingo

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The Dingo

You are fighting The Dingo.

The Dingo is a skilled problem solver and "cleaner" for the mob. He takes care of the things that need taken care of. As for the name, some other guy had already claimed The Wolf, and The Dingo grew up in Australia, so it was sort of inevitable.
Your opponent attacks ...

Hit messages:

  • The Dingo runs you over with his Lotus. It's hard to be mad, though... it's basically the coolest flower ever.
  • The Dingo assures you that he, under no circumstances, eats babies. You were worried for a while there. (psychic) damage
  • The Dingo solves problems. In this case, the problem seemed to be a serious case of unpunched face.

He hits you for X damage.

Critical hit message:

Your opponent has a critical hit! He hits you for X damage.

Miss messages:

  • The Dingo tries to run you over with his Lotus... which is a little weird. I mean, it's just a big flower.
  • The Dingo assures you that he, under no circumstances, eats babies. It's nice to see animal-themed villains with standards these days.
  • The Dingo cleans. After all, fights like this can really screw up the decor.

Fumble messages:

Your foe fumbles! He takes X damage.

Victory! You beat up your foe and win the combat!

You gain ?-25-206-? chips.

You gain (8*Level, cap 400) experience.

You got an item: The Dingo's Lotus (Guaranteed Drop)

Known resistances/weaknesses

Verified to have no resistances or weaknesses.


This enemy is a static Villain.
