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My other job is fighting crime.

Twilight Heroes is a free, browser-based superhero RPG.
It is currently in Perpetual Open Gamma; information is subject to change.

Game Basics
Gear and Equipment
City of Twilight
Game Updates

August 1 August's offering at the Wok of Stars may have melted a bit, but that just makes it more flexible.

July 15 Beware the Ides of July.

July 1 It's the first Jewel Eye at the Wok of Stars.

June 1 The Wok of Stars is the spot for spotting this month.

May 7 Added another way to get memory tubes for the casino quest.


Wiki News

Any technical issues should be forwarded to thwiki (at)

01-13-12 - The wiki will be taken down for server configuration around 6pm Pacific. It may be down for several days. Thread and updates here.

04-03-11 - Sorry about the extended April Fools "joke". It was a case of = vs ==.

02-06-11 - There is currently a problem with uploading images to the wiki.

09-13-10 - The wiki has successfully been moved. Please report any problems to thwiki at Thank you for your cooperation.

09-12-10 - The wiki is being moved to a new server. Please do not upload any images and avoid major edits. The site address will stay the same, it's just new hardware and a new IP.


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