SQUID disc: Enlisted Men Say the Darndest Things

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Item Number: 632
Description ID: 7202006
(view in-game)


SQUID disc: Enlisted Men Say the Darndest Things
Plural: SQUID discs: Enlisted Men Say the Darndest Things
This disc is like a blooper reel of enlisted men saying (and doing) stupid, silly, or downright dangerous things, all with Yakkity Sax playing in the background. It's childish, but it seems that officers don't think highly of grunts. Yeah. Big shock there.

Miscellaneous Item
Level Required: 8
Autosell value: 110

How Obtained

Byzantine Interior of the Unborn Base

When Used

Without some type of SQUID Player in your inventory:

You'd like to use the SQUID disc, but you don't have a device capable of playing it.

With some kind of SQUID Player in your inventory:

You load the disc into your SQUID player. Just as advertised, it is juvenile, ridiculous, and despite it all, quite funny. You gain 70-80 XP.

Using multiple:
Without some type of SQUID Player in your inventory:

You'd like to use the SQUID disc, but you don't have a device capable of playing it.

With some kind of SQUID Player in your inventory:

You load the discs into your SQUID player. Just as advertised, it is juvenile, ridiculous, and despite it all, quite funny. You gain some XP.
