Prismatic sports bra

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Item Number: 698
Description ID: 7963567
(view in-game)

prismatic sports bra
Plural: prismatic sports bras
Talk about futuristic tie-dye. This sports bra appears to be made of some high-tech fabric that shimmers and shifts with different angles, across a whole prism of mostly pastel colors. Every now and then the varied colors will seem to coalesce on a single color before shimmering again across all the colors of the rainbow at once.

Sometimes the changing colors almost seem to form a picture. A pretty butterfly here, some nice flowers there, but maybe that's reading too much into it. Superheroes don't really want to talk about that stuff, anyway, right?

Power: 50
Item cannot be auto-sold
Provides a prismatic plethora of pastel powers in combat.

How Obtained

The Wok of Stars