Anonymity: Blessing or A Curse? (enabled)

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Ivanna Gnøe, the beat reporter, hails you from down the block. She says the articles are going well, and wonders if you'll answer a few more questions for future pieces.


  • Give a couple of quick quotes for the articles
  • Say you're tired of the limelight

Make your choice


If you chose Give a couple of quick quotes for the articles:

Remember My Name - Fame!
You rattle off a couple of quick sound bytes for the future articles, and go on your way. The feeling of recognition for your hard work is nice, and lightens your step.

If you chose Say you're tired of the limelight:

I Must Remain in the Shadows
You say that as much as you appreciate Ivanna's past articles, you're actually finding it a little inconvenient to have random supervillains trying to jump you every night. You'd rather slip back into obscurity for a while and pick your own fights. Ivanna seems disappointed, but she says she understands and promises to cover some other heroes for a while.


