Avatars & empty picture frames (dict)

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avatars & empty picture frames

Okay, so here's the scoop on how these work.

  • If you have an empty picture frame, you can use it from the Use Things page. This will give you a form to fill out, which will include your character name, your email address, a place to put the URL of the image you'd like to use, and a notes field.
  • I really do need your email address and character name, because it's going to email me this form, and I may need to email questions back to you.
  • The form will expect you to have a picture on the web somewhere, and you'll be sending me the URL so I can find it. If you can't get the image onto the web, that's okay, just say so in the notes and I'll email you with follow-up questions, and you can email me the image.
  • If you want to give an avatar as a gift, that's okay, just put it in the notes, but keep your name in the name field so I know who I'm talking to.
  • It is perfectly safe to "Use" the form just to see what it's going to look like. The empty picture frame isn't consumed until you submit the full details. Also, you'll get a replacement item, a "picture frame in waiting" as a place holder, to show that you submitted the form.
Image Rules
  • All images must cohere to the same guidelines that apply to anything else you do in the game: nothing graphic, insulting, etc.
  • All avatars will be 150x150 pixel images. They need to be .gif, .jpg, or .png file formats. They also need to be less than 25k in file size. (If you're just sending me starter art, the original file doesn't need to be that size, but I'll need cropping instructions in the notes.)
  • If you're not sure your first choice will come out well, there's a blank for a second choice. Filling this out is optional, but strongly encouraged. We'll still try to get the first choice working first.
  • It is expected that avatars will at least approximate the artistic style of the game.
  • You can give me final art, or you can give me starter art and I will work on the image for you.
  • Color is fine, but no animation.
  • If you're making your own, I can provide some guidance. Most images in the game have been created using two Photoshop filters: angled strokes and ink outlines. Generally I have a partially transparent layer with ink outlines on the top, and a layer beneath that's been filtered through angled strokes. If that's gibberish to you, that's fine.
  • If I'm doing the image work, I'll need a starter image. Generally photographs or photo-realistic images work best. After that, heavy line art and works with large solid colors work reasonably well. Because of the way the filters work, images with lots of fine detail or busy images may not come through very well. There's going to be a lot of trial and error, and that's okay. If we simply can't get anything working, I can do a refund.
  • Text is okay in the images, either as part of the picture, or as an overlay. Text needs to hold to the same standard as the rest of the game (nothing offensive, etc.).
  • At this point I don't know how many of these I'll get or how long it will take to do them. There may be a lot of back and forth, depending on the image chosen. You should assume it will take at least a week, perhaps a couple of weeks, from the time you submit until the time we have a completed avatar.
  • It is expected that you have legal rights to use the image that you pick to be an avatar. Generally, this means that you need to make it or have the creator's permission to use it. I may refuse to work on avatars that are obviously breaking copyright/tradmark rules.
  • If you have an avatar that violates copyright, and the owner requests that your avatar be taken down, I will take it down and no refunds will be given.
  • As images are provided by the player, and it's not possible for us to know which images are or aren't owned by players, any responsibility for copyright violation is held by the player and not Metroplexity Games or its employees.


empty picture frame