Bionic hoppers

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Item Number: 2096
Description ID: 76221935
(view in-game)

bionic hoppers
Plural: pairs of bionic hoppers
Just put your feet in these and nobody will be able to guess their position and velocity. All the confusion makes it easier to dodge and, when you focus too hard on their position, they send you on leaps that would make Scott Bakula jealous.

Power: 11
Level Required: 10
Autosell value: 250
+8 dodging ability
Grants wearer the ability for super jumps

How Obtained

bion quantum hopper
bionic hoppers


  • The description contains a reference to the uncertainty principle of quantum physics, which states that the more precisely a particle's location is known, the less precisely its momentum can be known, and vice versa.
  • The description also contains a reference to the television program Quantum Leap, in which Scott Bakula's character would travel in time by repeatedly taking the place of other people.