Casino Odds

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Casino Odds

What happens in Twilight, stays in Twilight - and that goes for your money too. In order to make a small fortune at the casino, you should start with a large fortune. Like all good casinos the odds are rigged in favor of the house, but some games give you a better chance than others. If you still want to take your chances, playing craps or the high/low/odd/even in Devil Dice are the best way to go. The table shows the expected value for various betting propositions. For example, if you bet $1 at the craps table you should expect to get back about 98.6 cents for your "investment". Note that with probabilities of just slightly greater than 50%, the house cleans up! Rock-Paper-Scissors is a "fair game" that favors neither the house nor the player, resulting in no expected gain or loss.

Unlike the finer gaming establishments in Las Vegas, the Wooden Nickel does not provide free drinks to frequent players.

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Game Bet Probability of Winning Payoff Expected Value
Craps Any 49.29% 2:1 98.58 cents
Devil Dice Devil's Roll 0.46% 175:1 81.02 cents
Devil Dice Any Triple 2.78% 30:1 83.33 cents
Devil Dice High/Low/Odd/Even 48.61% 2:1 97.22 cents
Devil Dice Single Numbers 42.13% 3:1 or 2:1 or 1:1 50.00 cents
Rock-Paper-Scissors Any 50.00% 2:1 100.00 cents